MARDOT of Atlanta, Georgia - Outstanding West Highland White and Norwich Terriers.  Established in 1968.
Outstanding West Highland White and Norwich Terriers

Established in 1968

About Us
Showcase of our dogs in magazines and advertisements
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In the Spotlight

Our dogs have also been featured in advertising and articles about their owners. Thought you would like to see them.

Household Bank
Ralph Lauren
Country Inns Magazine
Maison Blanc
Maison Blanc
Money Magazine
featuring Casey & CJ, 2003 Walk for Diabetes, Becker Animal Hospital in Birmingham, AL
Charlotte Observer
AJC article
Sweater & Coat Model - Care-A Lot, J-B Wholesale, Target
Atlanta Journal and Constitution Northside Real Estate Section May 14, 2005




HomeAbout UsWestiesNorwichServicesPuppiesSpotlightContact Us
MARDOT® in Atlanta, GA - Marleen Burford
Preferred Phone 404-256-9393

Photos and content protected. © MARDOT®. Reproduction prohibited.